Top 5 Roadblocks to Finishing Your Memoir

The journey of writing a memoir can be both exciting and scary. Capturing and sharing your life’s experiences with the world is a worthy, rewarding endeavor. However, it is not uncommon for writers to abandon their memoir projects midway. Let’s look at why people jump ship and how we can stay on board until the end.

1. Lack of Clarity and Purpose:

One of the main reasons why people struggle to finish writing their memoirs is the lack of clarity and purpose. Without a clear vision of what they want to convey or the message they want to share, writers can quickly lose their motivation. To overcome this, during the planning phase, figuring out the purpose of your memoir is the very first task. What story do you want to tell? What message or lessons do you want to communicate? Decisions. Decisions. Defining your goals will give you the necessary direction and focus to see your memoir through to completion.

2. Fear of Judgment and Vulnerability:

Writing a memoir requires baring one’s soul, which can be an incredibly vulnerable experience. The fear of judgment from others can cause writers to hesitate, doubt their abilities, and ultimately abandon their projects. Recognize that vulnerability is the essence of a memoir and embrace the power of honesty. Remember, your story is unique and has the potential to resonate with others and impact their lives. Fear of judgment paralyzed me for six months, but you must push past the fear and have confidence in your voice. It needs to be heard.

3. Overwhelm and Procrastination:

These two besties are the dynamic duo of death for a memoir. The sheer magnitude of writing a memoir can often lead to overwhelm and procrastination. It’s easy to get caught up in the enormity of capturing a lifetime of experiences in words. Break the process down into smaller, manageable tasks. Create a writing schedule/routine, set specific deadlines, and celebrate milestones all along the way, no matter how small. Breaking the task into bite-sized pieces makes it more approachable and less overwhelming.

4. Lack of Accountability and Support:

Writing a memoir can be lonely work, and without accountability and support, it can become easy to lose motivation and momentum. For this reason, Helping Writers Write developed the Accountability Partnership Coaching Program. Sharing your progress, receiving feedback, and having a support system can provide the encouragement and accountability needed to keep moving forward. The accountability alone will give you the motivation to get it done.

5. Perfectionism and Self-Criticism:

Perfectionism and self-criticism can be major roadblocks to completing your memoir. Writers can become trapped in the cycle of rehashing and revising their work, striving for an unattainable perfection. To overcome this, remind yourself that your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. Focus on getting the story out, and editing can come later. Remember, writing and editing are two separate functions. Embrace imperfections as a part of the writing process, knowing that every draft is an opportunity for improvement.

Writing a memoir is a personal and transformative journey; if done well, that transformation happens for you and your reader. Understanding the common roadblocks that hinder completion will equip you with strategies to overcome these obstacles.

Clarity of purpose, overcoming fear, breaking tasks down, seeking support, and letting go of perfectionism are essential steps toward ensuring a successful memoir writing experience. Embrace the challenge, trust your voice, and persevere until your amazing story is brought to life.

Remember, your story matters, and there are readers out there waiting to be inspired by it. Start writing today, and if you need help, reach out and book your complimentary 30-minute call with Helping Writers Write!

Until Next Time, #happywriting

PS. - If I missed any roadblocks that you can think of, leave them in the comments below and I’d love to add them to our list. ❤

Nilsa Crosby-Ellis

I’m Nilsa Crosby-Ellis a Memoir Writing Coach, published author, former NYC public school English teacher, communications specialist, skilled wordsmith, and founder of Helping Writers Write and SmartiePants Publishing.

As a Memoir Writing Coach, I help professionals gain clarity and confidence to write and publish true stories that impact lives.

Ask me how you can write and edit your true story in 90 days or less.**

Helping Writers Write

Telling Real Stories, Impacting Lives

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